The Campers Guide To Essential Oils: Keeping the bugs away while you play

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There is nothing better than camping in the great outdoors.

Here in Tasmania, we are blessed with many beautiful places to pitch a tent. Be it by one of our many rivers, atop of one of the state’s majestic mountains, beach side or, like here at The Farm Cradle Country, nestled a top of a mountain plateau surrounded by nature and farm animals.

Camping is in our blood here in Australia, unfortunately the insects know this too and with that in mind we bring you the best in essential oils to naturally keep the pests at bay while you and your family are out and about at play.



Although flies are harmless they are by far the most annoying and persistent insect and in the Spring to Summer months can be found in farmland Tasmania. Try the following essential oils to naturally repel the common fly.


Lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint & patchouli



These annoying little creatures are found on and travel with native marsupials and can easily attach to you or your pets while walking through long grassland or wet bush areas.

Some great essential oils to keep ticks away are;


Cedarwood, lavender & tea tree



Luckily for us here in the mountains of North West Tasmania mosquitoes aren’t a problem, however along our coasts and wetlands is where they can be found. The key essential oils to keeping mosquitoes at bay are;


Lemon, eucalyptus, peppermint and lavender